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It’s not just you

I get it, I'm young. You'll see people my age on that front page over and over again. But I want my parents to come to...

Yes Plea

Australia is a miracle. It is the only island continent in the world. In its enormous landmass, there is every type of ecological system, other than...

‘Yes’ is right thing to do

Why I am voting Yes in the Voice Referendum. It's way past time that indigenous people, that is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, the owners...

Charity begins at home

This present government is destroying our democratic way of life, forged in this country by our ancestors. Our children being made to feel guilty...

Salvo ‘yes’ vote is misguided

Whilst we all applaud the Salvation Army for their constant work in seeking to assist the needy the letter of Captain Stuart Glover in...

Renewables not the answer

Look around, folks, at the environment vandalism of this wonderful country. Thousands of acres of good farming land under solar panels, swaths of forest being...

What cost for renewables?

I refer to the editorials in the 8 September issue by Arthur Gorrie and Llew O’Brien regarding our power supplies. Australia has taken a...

A “yes” vote could fix Australia

I am a keen supporter of the Voice to Parliament and Executive Government. We Australians live in a wealthy nation, rich in resources, both...

Should be equal

The main failure of the Yes proponents in the Voice referendum is that they equate the average situation of First Nations people to the...

No to ‘dunno say no’

YES, I agree. Thanks Captain Glover of the Salvation Army for your wonderful letter “Voice will make a difference” (Letters, Gympie Today September 15). I share...

Something needs to change

I would agree with the Salvation Army's Captain Stuart Glover that something needs to change in the way our country takes care of those...

Plea to council

This week I noticed a "for sale" sign erected on the two vacant blocks in Mary St, adjacent to the park gates, which were...

All fired up

The state govenment is calling its new emergency management laws "Queensland's largest disaster, emergnecy and fire services freforms." The Opposition says the legislation it is...

Nothing but net

$1k rebate debate