Renewables not the answer


Look around, folks, at the environment vandalism of this wonderful country.

Thousands of acres of good farming land under solar panels, swaths of forest being bulldozed for transmission lines and those hideous wind turbines (they require base electricity to start the turbines and produce very little electricity) plus lithium batteries, dangerous to human health.

The above all have to be replaced within a span of 20 years, earlier if damaged by flood, hail or fire storms and will cost trillions of dollars.

Today nuclear has proven to be safe, has a life span of 70 years, no destruction of our land as the infrastructure is all in place.

We produce very little carbon in this country, have abundant coal (cleanest burning on the planet), gas and 1/3 of the world’s yellow cake (uranium), we should have the cheapest electricity on the planet.

What hypocrites.

We send these natural resources all over the world.

Think of the pollution being belched to the atmosphere by China, India and the USA, especially China – one of the main countries producing renewables.

One of my main concerns is the environmental damage if they put wind turbines in our oceans.

Think of the harm to our migrating whales.

In Western Australia, farmers that allowed wind turbines on their property became so traumatised from the noise, they had to move into nearby towns to get a good night’s sleep.

The constant whine of the blades interfered with their health.

Where are the silent Greens?

I was under the impression they cared for the environment and our wild life.

Not so.

They had the forest closed to mill of old timbers, but not a word regarding the devastation of our forest, wildlife and farm land for renewables.

England, USA and many European countries are putting in nuclear power, while China and India are building coal fired power plants for the simple reason renewables will never produce enough electricity for our needs.

The reactors are mainly produce by Rolls Royce.

Now that’s a bonus.

We would not be so behoven to China – you can see what they have done with our exports in the past.

Scientists have stated nuclear would be a 1/3 of the cost of renewables.

Let’s get back to sensible use of all our resources and stop this madness that renewables are the way forward.

We cannot afford it and it is not reliable – believe the scientists or we will all be sitting in the dark.

We will have no manufacturing here as industry will not be able to afford electricity.

Take note, many businesses are already collapsing as they cannot meet the cost of electricity, plus the ongoing taxes being imposed by this government.

Dark days ahead.

– S Hansen – McLaughlin
