Charity begins at home

This present government is destroying our democratic way of life, forged in this country by our ancestors.

Our children being made to feel guilty for what happened over 200 years ago.

As a girl at school in Biggenden we were taught such pride in our country, we sang the anthem, saluted the flag our fathers and brothers died under.

I love the way we have embraced all nations, I love our aboriginal folk, but we must all move forward together without favour to any one group of people.

Division and hate will never succeed and this government seem hell bent in division in all walks of life.

Did you see one pollie refuse their increase in salary while families are struggling to put food on the table on meeting the cost of their power bill, have the government made an effort to curb immigration until the thousands of Aussie families living in cars have a roof over their heads.


Charity begins at home.

So many rules and regulations, so much red tape today.

We are slowly but surely losing our freedom in this country, all talk and no action.

I despair for our future under this government.

S. Hansen McLaughlin.
