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Rollovers, burnouts and dangerous drivers on our beaches

Hoons, dangerous drivers and bloody idiots received a shakeup when Queensland Police responded to further complaints of hooning at Teewah beach over the weekend. Complaints...

Free movies for Vets kids

Last Thursday the Gympie RSL Veterans Services team ran a special event for the children and grand children of local defence personnel veterans. “It was...

Serial hoon’s cruelest punishment

A customised Lamborghini coupe seized by police under Queensland’s tough anti-hoon laws will go up for auction next week. After spotting the distinctive purple Lamborghini...

Heart starter donated to Sports Club

The Gympie Sports and Recreation Club have a brand new machine they fervently hope they will never have to use - but if they...

Artist escapes NY Covid

New York is a long way from Gympie but artist Cathy Condon had embraced the city that never sleeps as her home and her...

More fun than you can bat a beaded lash at

There were plenty of double entendres and naughty shenanigans at the Phoenix Hotel last Saturday, all in the name of charity. Bingo Queen, Melony Brests...

Speed limits reduced on 3 Gympie roads

There are new speed limits in place on three major arterials, the Department of Transport and Main Roads advised earlier in the week. TMR Southern...

Don’t sell ‘family hub’ : Gympie groups cry

Plans by Gympie Regional Council to sell off a community owned building at 2 O'Connell St, have caused consternation among community organisations. The sale has...

Raise a tea-cup to volunteers

Volunteering - the word brings to mind well-meaning grey haired old ladies inspecting second hand clothing and goods ready for sale at a charity...

Thinking caps on for Rally good time

A familiar fixture to Monday nights has returned with the fundraising Trivia Nights at the Gympie RSL. Run by Michael and Bronwyn Brown, the team...

Teal Trek could save lives

This year on 3 May, Di Knight and Lisa Loranger, with a group of more than a dozen others, are taking part in an...

Will’s winning at game of life

Gympie gaming enthusiast Will Averillo is so impressed by the power and artistry of computer games that he’s taken his pursuit of a career...

Shane’s favourite snaps

Gympie Today's award-winning photographer Shane Zahner has been to every corner of our rich and diverse region, capturing all the colour and excitement, the...