Space day ‘out of this world’

Astronauts get ready to head into orbit at the Two Mile State School "A Day of Space Adventure" Science Week celebration on Thursday, 19 August.

On Thursday 19 August, Two Mile State School hosted “A Day of Space Adventure”.

The Year 5/6 class spent weeks learning about space and setting up a Space Station inside their classroom and invited all the other students, their parents and staff to join in.

The guests became space cadets under the guidance of the trainee astronauts and flew in a rocket to the moon where they dug for space treasure, made rocket ships from playdough and dried pasta and attempted jigsaw puzzles with gloves on, to simulate living in the space station.

Other activities included exploring the mystery of the planets, making moon rocks and participating in dramatic play at Mission Control.

They investigated many different types of space vehicles which were made by the Year 5/6 students, as part of their Design Technology curriculum, and with younger students during lunch time’s leadership group sessions.

The highlight of the day was sitting in the Two Mile Space Shuttle listening to NASA Astronaut Dr Shannon Walker read this year’s ALIA’s stimulus storytime book Give Me Some Space to students the world over from the International Space Station as it orbits the earth.

Prep student Wyatt was very excited and had lots of fun.

“We rode in a rocket ship and it was shaking!”

“It wasn’t a real rocket ship,” Stella from Prep added.

Gracie from Year 1 said her favourite part was making her telescope and testing the rockets.

Year 5/6 Class teacher Angela Thorpe, aided by student teacher Amanda Brady, was pleased with how well the day went.

“The students participated in activities that helped them improve their dexterity, perception and memory and showed real experience with irreversible changes and learned how engineers do their jobs,” she said.

A successful grant application from the Australian Science Teacher’s Association allowed Two Mile State School to hold this event as part of this year’s National Science Week (14-22 August).

“It definitely was an out of this world experience,” said Mrs Thorpe.