Home makes way for highway
Marj Faulkner has mixed feelings about the demolition of her Lockhart Rd home, to make way for the Bruce Highway by-pass of Gympie.
“I still...
Muster drops second giant lineup
As if the 2021 Gympie Music Muster wasn’t already shaping up to be the biggest music festival of the year, the Gympie Music Muster...
A succulent story
This Curra gardener loves succulents, partly because her mother loved succulents and the garden feels like a tribute to her memory.
Other reasons people love...
Legends in pink
A great day was had by the Gympie Junior Cricket Association along with the Gympie Special School, hosted the Pink Stumps Day, raising much...
Aspiring young scientist offered prestigious scholarship
An aspiring young scientist from Gympie plans to use a Biomedical Science degree from USC as a springboard into a career in medicine.
St Patrick’s...
Camper safety moves
Safety hazards due to rock falls and landslides have forced authorities to move towards designated camping zones on Teewah Beach.
The 50 kilometre stretch...
Local Govt group cites councils as key to post-Covid recovery
Recognising and supporting local government’s proven ability to work on behalf of its communities will help cement Covid-19 recovery, the Australian Local Government Association...
Roadworks major focus of GRC
Roadworks continue to be the focus for Gympie Regional Council crews according to a statement released by the GRC recently.
"Council crews are working hard...
’A-vests’ made in bizarre lost and found case
Gympie Police are hoping to reunite some lost articles of clothing with their owners in an in-vest-igation that has police perplexed.
It was revealed in...
This quacked us up…
A Gympie bloke decided recently he needed his ears lowered, but rather than head to the hair-dressers, he spoke with his neighbour.
“Would you trade...
Good, not great, report card
The six monthly report on the Gympie Regional Council budget is in and while technically in the black, Acting Chief Financial Officer David Lewis...
Sewerage plan on hold
Southside residents waiting to be connected to the town sewerage are just going to have to hold it, according to a report delivered to...