Grand Oz Day out for Seniors

Gympie National Seniors Club members waving their flags on a recent Australia Day outing.

National Seniors Gympie took to the road on Australia Day, with members departing from the River Road Bus Stop at 8.30am for a full day of fun.

As everyone entered the bus, they were given a flag to wave and a Trivia Quiz Sheet to answer.

They waved their flags well, but answering the Trivia Quiz was another matter.

From the 16 questions, some from the nationalisation forms, 12 was the highest number of correct answers – Congratulations Shirley.

There was also an Aussie Slang Quiz with answers called out, which people did a lot better on.

The group travelled to Kenilworth and enjoyed morning tea at the Cheese Factory after a talk on the history and an insight into the future of the factory.

After morning tea, the Seniors boarded the bus and travelled a very scenic route to Borumba Dam.

Only a couple of members knew where they were, but most saw a part of the local area that they had never seen before.

Borumba Dam was a busy spot with lots of cars and boat trailers in the car park.

It was good to see that it has become a much-loved area to use.

The group then travelled to their lunch venue, the Honey Bee Retreat in Kandanga.

What trouble the new QR Code can be, as only some members have a smart phone that could scan the code.

In the end, everyone was entered and all sat down to a meal of cold meats and salad, followed by dessert of cheesecake or chocolate mousse.

The journey home followed the school bus route through Kandanga and Amamoor and then Dagun, and then back to Gympie.

A spokeswoman for the National Seniors said she hoped everyone enjoyed their day out and looking forward to the other trips coming up during the year.

“I have talked to the bus company and we have come up with a plan for future trips and the QR Code. Maybe the future trips will attract some more of our members to participate,“ she said.

National Seniors Gympie held their first meeting of the year on Thursday 11 February.

Guest speaker, Emily Gould, spoke on Scam Awareness and Prevention for Seniors.

It was very scary to hear about the lengths that some unscrupulous people will go to, to get money or identities.

Every member present received the ‘Little Black Book of Scams’.

The next meeting will be Thursday 11 March, at 10am for a 10.30am start at the Gympie Bowls Club, Bowlers Drive, Southside.