‘Not one new DV hire for Qld’ says SA Senator

South Australian Senator Kerrynne Liddle.

A Senator for South Australia, Kerrynn Liddle says the federal government has failed its election promise to employ 500 community and frontline workers in the family and domestic violence sector.

Ms Liddle, who is the Shadow Minister for Child Protection and the Prevention of Family Violence said that no positions had been created here in Queensland.

“There are only 63 employed across the nation – a long way behind the 352 forecast for June 30,” she said

“Still not one employed in Queensland – where a woman calls domestic violence services every four minutes.

“Yet the Commonwealth is still prepared to send the money to the states and territories.

“The government is not listening to the voices of the communities which marched in the streets for action.

“There are just more announcements and more consultation but no real action,” Senator Liddle said.