BACK L-R: Alex McAuley, Charlotte McAuley, Nellie Bressau, Adeline Penfold, Eli Neumann, Memphis Penfold, Joseph Neumann, Carter Penfold, Dominic McLaren, Josh Gailer-Castellanos, Elliott Kraak, Piper Kraak, Noah Neumann, Riley Smit, Georgia Douglas, Dominick Pirkopf-Hinkley.
FRONT: Addie Denton, Laura Wilcox, Joel Douglas, Emily Gailer-Castellanos, Ruby Bressau, Lilly Douglas, Theo Mahaffey, Jacob Smit, Oliver Pirkopf Hinkley.
The Gympie Squash Juniors finished their season on Friday 6 December with a fun afternoon of challenge games, party food […]