I was pleased to read (Gympie Today, 28 February) that the gantry at the Gold Mining Museum has had a stay of execution.
It seems that thanks to the advocacy of the Gympie and District Historical Society, the council has halted the planned demolition “for the time being”.
Furthermore, the council has agreed to investigate the costs of the previously proposed demolition “with a view to putting that money towards the repair of the gantry”.
That is a commendable step in the right direction.
Although a Facebook commentator has corrected my mistaken impression that the gantry was part of the original mining operation, I maintain my firm belief that the gantry should be preserved.
It is a spectacular structure integral to the visual interest of the mining museum complex.
To borrow Mayor Hartwig’s declaration on the front page “It’s our time now”, I suggest that, as we, at last, have the State Government that Gympie has long voted for, it should be our time to expect some favourable consideration.
It is surely our time to enlist the support of the Minister for Tourism to upgrade our historical assets — in particular the Mining and Woodworks Museums.
And if indeed it is to be “our time” the council will need to be much more proactive in promoting Gympie as a tourist destination.
Otherwise, we are not only going to be bypassed but “bye past!”
– Merv Welch
The Palms.