One would have to believe this Gympie Regional Council will go down in history as the one that made the most bad decisions.
We know the previous council wasted all the money that was in the treasury and left the Council bankrupt with nothing to show for the money.
This council is hell-bent on making the most inane and wasteful decisions the ratepayers have ever seen.
I have it on good authority the council engineers had been studying the railway underpass for over eight (8) years.
The best they could come up with was traffic lights.
These people are highly paid employees of the council and school children could have made that decision during one class session.
The very same engineers have now decided the walkway at the museum is unsafe and needs to be dismantled.
They quickly hired a couple of hundred metres of fencing, at your cost, and were going to call in the bulldozers.
How much the fencing hire is costing ratepayers is a question that needs to be answered.
We all know these highly paid engineers are only doing what all public servants do when an important decision is to be made that is CYA (cover your ass).
That way if they are right it is okay and if they are wrong it is still okay.
The Mayor hinted the other day that maybe some of the advice council had paid for was not entirely very good.
What are they doing with that knowledge?
Are they still using these advisors or have they decided to make some decisions based on good old common sense?
Maybe the council needs to have a very serious look at the advice these engineers are giving and if it is value for money.
Maybe some of these engineers need to be looking for other employment.
The council is gaining a reputation as running a sheltered workshop.
Some of these council employees would not last in the real world.
The time they take to make basic decisions is appalling with the attendant cost being borne by the applicant.
It is not good enough.
The council CEO needs to do an efficiency study of all of the workforce and maybe prune some of the deadwood.
Maybe use a Musk idea on the entire workforce.
That might be one of the decisions of this council which might resonate well with the ratepayers.
– L Pethick