A vain hope

I’ve read the article about live-aboard boats in the Mooloolah River and wanted to let you know we have the same problem in Tin Can Bay.

We have three areas where these vessels are growing in numbers: Snapper Creek; just outside Snapper Creek in Tin Can Bay inlet; and inside and outside of Crab Creek.

There are quite a number of abandoned boats in appalling conditions, some of which get washed ashore in strong winds or just get stranded on sand banks.

At times, there can be three or four half or completely sunken vessels, one of which has been completely sunk just outside Snapper Creek, where a lot of recreational fishing boats traverse the area.

MSQ was informed about it and a small yellow float was placed near it, however it has no light on it so it’s still a hazard at night.

The majority of vessels are not on moorings so as tides change they swing back and forth, dragging the anchor chain across the bottom, scraping any form of marine life off the bottom.

Also a lot of these vessels have no lights on at night.

I am in the Tin Can Bay Fishing Club and a lot of us are concerned that these vessels must be dumping black water straight into the area where they are moored or anchored.

The fishing in the area has gone from very good to very bad as the number of boats grow.

I am writing this letter in the vain hope that someone of authority can be made aware and our area could be cleaned up.

Derek Andrews,

Cooloola Cove.