Reach out if you need help


With the start of a new year, 2025 offers us a chance to reflect on the year that has passed, and also look forward to the new beginnings offered in the year ahead.

For The Salvos, looking back on 2024 means reflecting on the one person every seventeen seconds that we helped throughout the year.

It is a privilege to stand alongside Aussies doing it tough and provide them with support and hope.

It also means reflecting on the generosity of you, the Australian public who help make this vital work possible.

So, from all of us at The Salvation Army, and on behalf of all those we support every day, to the Australian public we say thank you.

Thank you particularly for your generosity towards our Christmas Appeal, which helped provide a special Christmas to those who would have otherwise gone without.

If it wasn’t for your support, kids would have gone without presents under the tree, families without a special Christmas meal, and many without hope and joy during the festive season.

For this, we say thank you.

Now, as we look towards 2025, The Salvation Army wants to make an encouragement to those around the country.

While some Australians were in the position to give to The Salvos during Christmas, many others found it to be one of the most financially crippling times of the year, particularly as our nation faces a cost-of-living crisis.

To anyone who found themselves in that position, and now may be facing debt, financial hardship, or stress about money, we want to let you know that there is hope at the start of this year.

The Salvos Moneycare service offers free and confidential financial counselling to thousands of Aussies each year, helping them to get on top of their finances. There is no better time than the start of a new year to take a fresh look at your finances and get on top of your financial situation.

We encourage all Australians to take a look at their finances this year, and if you are struggling to cope financially, please reach out to The Salvation Army’s Moneycare service.

We are here for you, and there is no shame in reaching out for support.

Please don’t wait until it is too late.

Reach out to Moneycare today by visiting or call 1800 722 363.

– Colonel Rodney Walters

The Salvation Army