Party waste of money and effort


It has been confirmed the government has spent $300,000 to celebrate the opening of the bypass.

That money could have been spent on something more substantial like some accommodation for a homeless person or some other infrastructure that will still be there the next day.

The really sad part of this issue is that the opening of a road, a piece of bitumen, is so important that it warrants some form of celebration.

Have our standards fallen so low this form of event is worthy of some form of party?

We need to be careful or we could be celebrating the opening of a door or a gate – that is almost as ridiculous.

The reality of the entire issue is to distract the people from the actual problem that is affecting most residents, the cost of living, cost of power, cost of fuel, rising interest rates, etc.

People are struggling to pay their bills and all the government can do is spend the taxpayer’s money on a party celebrating a piece of bitumen that should have been there twenty years ago.

It begins to smell like “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”.

[Translation: Let them eat brioche]

– L. Pethick
