Why all the cloak and dagger?


A meeting by the Gympie Regional Council on housing had to be closed recently, due, they said to avoid public discussions “prejudicing the matter”.

When they returned to the open meeting, the councillors voted to accept or deny the recommendations, labelled one and two.

While the details needed to be clandestine, the general gist didn’t.

It turns out, for recommendation one they were simply voting to allow Gympie council property to be donated to other governments or local not-for-profit organisations to ease the housing crisis locally.

The second recommendation was that the task of deciding what goes to whom should be delegated to the council CEO.

And something needs to be done.

With recent figures flagging 87 per cent of renters in Cooloola are on average paying 52 per cent of their pay keeping a roof over their heads, we need a solution sooner rather than later.