It was with some sadness that we saw the demolition, this week, of the old nurse’s quarters at our hospital.
The phrase that it was of no historical significance is a matter of opinion.
What makes a building, site, or artefact of historical significance?
Surely if it is valued by the community in which it stands it is of significance – but this is a debate for others.
There is an old saying that “if only walls could talk”.
At the Gympie Family History Society, we have an idea that could maybe make those walls speak, and if we can’t now preserve the building we can at least preserve the memories.
Several of our members lived in the quarters during their nursing training and this week we have heard stories of their time there – some funny and some poignant.
We are inviting anyone who has stories and information about the building to share them with us so that we can preserve some of the history.
Nursing training is so different these days that all will be interested in the changes.
So write your memories and send them to us.
This can be by email, post, or a personal visit where one of our members could help you with your reminisces.
If you have a relative who lived there, you could talk to them and then record their memories.
We so look forward to reading or hearing the stories.
Email secretary@gfhs.com.au or dmjuler@bigpond.com, phone us on 5482 8211 or send mail to 1 Chapple St, Gympie 4570.
– Gympie Family History Society