Australian patriots

Merv Welch (Gympie Today 26th July 24) when he says the Ozzie Fans are there when you are winning but very absent if you lose.

Australians are five minute patriots, Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie, if you are winning gold or what ever but do not remember your name if you are not on the podium.

This behaviour has trickled down to so many things that define who we are.

So much so that we fled from Australian manufactures in droves, because we get things cheaper, maybe of a lesser quality, rather than support, buy Australian.

How many companies closed down and went overseas, how many jobs have been forfeited because of this attitude.

Please do not say they have gone to other industries.

When between this behaviour and the unions demand for higher and higher wages, it is surprising anything is now made in this country.

When are we going to wake up and become the Australians we once were and stood up proudly for what we are and took no brook from anyone who spoke the contrary.

These overseas suppliers have wonderful roads, railways and bridges built with a lot of our money.

It is time we shook off this stupid mentality, supported what ever industries that are left and support any new ones that try to make a start, before there is nothing left.

L. Pethick,
