CO2 Conundrum

I don’t understand why Australia has signed up to NET ZERO CO2, when Carbon Dioxide has never been proved to be a toxic gas.

It is as natural as oxygen in our atmosphere and is crucial to life on earth, for plants, humans, and animals.

When living beings take a breath, it is the increased level of CO2 in the blood stream which triggers the brain to take another breath without conscious effort, which replenishes the oxygen level in the bloodstream, enabling physical and mental function to continue.

In a futile and foolish effort to stop climate change, are being forced to pay a tax which will require bucket loads of money to be spent, when science and reality knows that climate change is caused by the Sun throwing off Sun Spots from time to time, which can and does produce weather which is excessive in the extreme, and can even produce very destructive natural phenomena on parts of the Planet.

In trying to eliminate Carbon Dioxide by removing Coal Fired Energy Sources from this country’s power grid, this Labor Govt. wrongly assumes that Australians are too stupid to see the financial scam that they are being forced to enter by this Govt. which is clearly in sync with the United Nations proposition of a New World Order, where we will all be able to own nothing, but be happy.

Australians must not accept this socialist rot.

E. Cawse,
