Change your mind, not Australia


What is happening to our country and being an Australian?

Our Government is hell-bent on diluting what was once known as an Australian.

One would be foolish in thinking people came to Australia because it was a great place to live.

Where the byword was, to get in and give a helping hand when there was a problem, do the right thing for your neighbour and friends and even someone you do not know, be proud to live here and live by the unwritten guidelines that everyone knew and understood.

These standards were such that many were prepared to lay down their lives to ensure this way of life was preserved.

Somewhere along the line, these conditions have been eroded by diminishing our guidelines to accommodate some of these new arrivals to suit their old home customs and behaviours.

When the reality is, the new arrivals should have been required to make adjustments to their way of life if they were to assimilate into our great country. Eventually our high standards have now been reduced to such a low level that is very difficult to now recognise an Aussie.

It is time we revisited what it is to be an Australian, what that really means and how there needs to changes.

Many of our so-called refugee new arrivals could not get away from their old country quick enough.

Their love of country would appear not to be Australia but their old homeland.

Maybe if they love the old country so much, maybe they should return.

But all those social benefits provided for them here, by our ridiculous Government decisions, would disappear and they would probably be reduced to penury on their return.

It is time to call out all this un-Australian behaviour and return to some of our old standards and life behaviours.

We might even reduce a lot of unnecessary monetary leakage by Centrelink and repair the budget bottom line.

Who knows, but it is time we began to visit what it is to be an Australian.

Never forget old Australians had a thick skin and could handle criticism without bursting into tears.

– L. Pethick
