We cannot tolerate evil


We are increasingly being told that we need to be inclusive, and tolerant.

Yet I have noticed that the people who are loudest in their demands for tolerance are the very people who show none of it.

And as an example of this, we need look no further than what took place in the streets of Sydney on Monday (9 October) evening – while the police stood by and watched.

As for myself, I endeavour to show tolerance for people with opposing religious and political views.

I am prepared to sit down and respectfully discuss and debate with almost anybody.

But once again, I have noticed that other people’s willingness to do this is becoming less and less.

However, what was reported on the news yesterday afternoon (Wednesday, 11 October) was something I simply could not comprehend.

A squad of Israeli soldiers were going to inspect a kibbutz not far from the border with Gaza that had been attacked and destroyed by Hamas terrorists.

They made their way to the part of the kibbutz where the children were cared for.

What they found were forty bodies of children and babies: some of whom had been beheaded.

Some of these soldiers did the only thing they could do in the face of this unspeakable evil.

They turned to God, and prayed.

For this was something that was way beyond any consideration of politics, or religion, or anything else.

This was purest evil.

I do believe that the attacks by Hamas terrorists upon Israel, and the rape and murders that have accompanied them, are a wake-up call not only for Israel, but for the world as a whole.

We have to learn that there are some things we cannot, and must not, tolerate.

Good can have no fellowship with evil. Evil has to be called out for what it is.

Yes, I am very aware of what is written in the New Testament: that our struggle is not so much with flesh and blood.

Our struggle is with the power of evil in this dark world, and in the heavenly places.

But those who perpetrate this evil, whatever the cause, must be stopped in their tracks, and held accountable.

– John Hermann
