Salvo ‘yes’ vote is misguided


Whilst we all applaud the Salvation Army for their constant work in seeking to assist the needy the letter of Captain Stuart Glover in the Gympie Today 15 September is sadly misguided.

Voting Yes will make a difference to us all, but will not assist the people for whom we are being told it will assist.

We do not know exactly how it will work, details not forthcoming, but we have been told the potential pathway ahead if the Yes vote gets up, by Thomas Mayo and his associates.

We already have plenty of representation for the indigenous people, and we have a huge sum of money already going to the many and various bodies and committees that are supposedly in place to assist these people.

What we need is some accountability in Canberra so that we know where the current amount of money is going.

It is not going to where it is needed.

What makes you think a Voice will be any different?

Many of the indigenous people are sceptical themselves.

I asked one woman locally, what and how will she be impacted by this “voice”.

She said, it won’t make any difference.

This vote “yes” is the first step towards the treaty that has some atrocious things included in it for this country.

We need a definite No message conveyed to Canberra, but we also need the present ministries brought to accountability, then we will see some difference, but only then.

– Graeme Ellingsen

