Magnetic engine the way of the future


In May this year I wrote about the alternatives to solar, wind and coal as a way to generate electricity.

I have found additional information which I wish to pass on.

Thomas Hardtmuth of Switzerland has invented a device using magnetics that will produce electricity.

The magnetics are arranged in a specific configuration in two circles which when activated will spin.

It makes use of the magnetic Torus field in continuous geometric evolution.

He has called it the Kryon Engine.

It is a non polluting, consistent and reliable flow of electricity which will work regardless of climate conditions.

Mr Hardtmuth has generously placed it in the public domain in 2021 so that anyone can view this invention and make use of it.

I visualise the Kyron Engine in every home just as we have solar producing power in most homes, but don’t wait for the government or big businesses to take the lead.

From past experience, it will be the general public that will take up this idea so that they have control over their own energy consumption.

– Gail Godwin,
