Offended by tales of rorting


I could not think of an appropriate word of disgust to hurl at the TV on Sunday night while watching Four Corners on the ABC regarding the behaviour between the consultant firms and the Federal Government.

Two main contenders seemed to be KPMG and PWC plus Deloittes, whose fees blew out from $19 Million to $47 Million, however, this was chicken feed compared to consultant fees.

KPMG invoiced our Government for work not completed, for work not done at all and, on many occasions, tripled the fees.

Who’s looking after Treasury?

PWC is an ongoing tax scandal with the Government.

Talk about a conflict of interest.

You were at a loss to know who worked for the consultants and who worked for the Government Public Service.

They seemed to be interchangeable.

What a cosy situation.

The Government is supposed to put these contracts out for tender, but 9 times out of 10 this fails to happen.

The small consultant firms quoted, they do not get a chance.

Last year KPMG received $14 Billion from the Government Tax Office and the Defence fees blew out to over a billion.

That is only two departments mentioned by Four Corners, and they also mentioned the salary of the Executives of the consultant firm.

Last year they took home between 2 and 4 million dollars.

I find that quite obscene.

The whistle- blowers (how brave are they?) were mainly treated with contempt and lost their jobs because they were people of integrity.

Folks, this is our money, tax payers money, and the government’s inappropriate handling of this monies is negligent to say the least.

They make good bed fellows.

For Heaven’s sake, think how many public houses could the Government have built for the people?

These people should be in jail for treason.

These crimes are against you and I, the tax payers.

It is our hard earned money being distributed to a few.

How despicable?

It should be going to the benefit of the people.

Enough is enough.

– “Cranky Critter”
