Vote ‘no’ to disunity


I just don’t get it.

It sounds convincing when we hear the song telling us that “we are many/we are one”.

Wouldn’t that be great if it were true?

Australia could be a strong country if we learned from the past, did our best to improve the present and passed on to the next generation a healthy united Australia.

We only have to look at other countries in crisis to see what disunity will do.

Voting ‘Yes’ will do nothing for the next generation.

It will only continue discontent.

The public is asked to vote while our civic leaders tell us how to vote.

I thought a vote was required to show conviction on a particular subject but this one is to please or displease our PM.

There is already division in the aboriginal groups – where one group says “we want more” and the other one says “we have enough”.

We are being asked to vote for an extension of that divide.

If we are to be one, we need to value the knowledge of the early settlers who lived close to the land and understood the seasons and what the earth provided together with the knowledge of the settlers from Britain who understood the task of establishing a nation.

We need to vote for a united Australia where all its citizens are valued for their contribution and all hardship is dealt with for all Australians.

So no, we do not need to acknowledge the needs of one group to the detriment of another.

We are in this together for the betterment of the next generation of Australians.

– T Mallett
