More action, less protesting


Remember 2013, the federal Greens sought the perfect over the good?

They sided with the conservatives, voting against Labor’s environment legislation.

Result? We got Tony Abbott as PM and a decade of no go on any positive measures to slow global warming.

Fast forward to 2023, Labor propose the Housing Australia Future Fund and the Greens side once more with the conservatives, with the result that this legislation will not be considered again till October.

The Prime Minister summed up the Greens Party’s whole approach to Housing during Question Time.

“Those in that corner deal in protests. We deal in progress.

“They see issues to campaign on. We see challenges to act on.

“They want to build their profile. We want to build more homes.

“Building a brand doesn’t put a roof over anyone’s head. Families can’t take shelter under a petition.

“When you want work done, call for the Labor Party.”

I know and respect wonderful, idealistic people in the Greens but why do their parliamentary representatives not understand that politics is the art of the possible?

– Christine Harget-White
