Festival a credit to Gympie


Congratulations to all those involved in the successful staging of another ‘Easter on Mary’ Festival a couple of weeks ago.

These street festivals have become something of a tradition now and the community obviously retains its enthusiasm for them.

The attendance was very strong and the mood up-beat .

As usual, there was plenty of entertainment for young and old, as well as various interesting street-food stalls doing brisk business.

And the local cafes appeared to be well patronised.

The Council plays a major role in facilitating these events and it is to be commended for supporting them.

The street festivals provide an opportunity for the community to socialise and celebrate its identity.

And it is not just locals who participate and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

The last person I spoke to was a lovely young mother from Maryborough who had taken her three-year-old daughter for a ride on the train, bought her an ice-cream and exclaimed with a laugh, ‘How good is this love!’

How good indeed!

Long may the tradition hold.

– Merv Welch,

The Palms.