The Mary St Blues


I really feel for the Mary Street traders.

Since the late 80s they’ve been battling not one but two major shopping centres for the business of locals.

And you have to admit, the beautification project of the 90s is not exactly practical in terms of parking.

Then there was the pandemic and shift to online commerce.

Then there’s the floods, and most recently another major fire, caused, by all indications by the third wave of misfortune to hit the street – crime.

A ramraid on the Goodyear Jewellers this time last year, hot on the heels of the floods, made up the minds of the proprietors to take an early retirement.

The owners of Hardcore Hobbies have recently packed it in, after vandalism and multiple break-ins.

While there is only so much we can do about floods and pandemics, surely there’s more we can be doing to prevent the crime?