The truth comes out


Intelligence services in the United States are now acknowledging that the recent corona virus pandemic in all likelihood originated from a laboratory leak after all; specifically from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

It is being claimed that as 2019 progressed, technicians and scientist at this Institute of Virology began coming down with symptoms like those of the corona virus.

It is believed that some died.

Later, in 2019, China hosted the World Military Games.

It is clamed that some athletes here also developed corona virus symptoms and took the sickness home.

Even if all of this is true, thorough research I have conducted online has revealed that this is only half the story.

It is claimed that in 2003, the Centre Disease Control in the United States took out a patent on a novel corona virus it had developed, as part of ongoing efforts to create biological weapons.

And it was not until 2012 that the US National Institute of Health told them to get rid of it.

Two years later, it is claimed, the corona virus was outsourced to the Wuhan Institute of Virology even in the knowledge that the Institute’s containment facilities were not adequate.

It is claimed further that at this institute, funding and practical assistance form the United States made possible a process called “gain of function” with the corona virus, weaponising it to the point where, if it were ever released, it could potentially kill millions.

An added financial benefit from any release of this corona virus would be the enormous profits large pharmaceutical companies could potentially make from the sale of the vaccines that would have to be developed.

As the corona virus spread around the world, resulting in lockdowns and in economic shutdowns, the very people who had allegedly, funded its development vilified anybody who began to question the possibility that the corona virus had spread from a laboratory leak, accusing them of being “conspiracy theorists”.

It is only now that the extent of this monstrous cover-up is coming to light.

The people responsible for this, whoever they are and wherever they are, must be held to account .

They have been responsible for untold economic dislocation, suffering and death.

However, I will not hold my breath waiting for this to happen.

It is my belief that the object of the unleashing of this corona virus was to create a crisis that would allow for the exercise of power and control.

It is all set out in a publication called “The Great Rest”, which is the work of the World Economic Forum.

– John Hermann
