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Gympie’s history restored

Hundreds of hours have been poured into resorting a remarkable piece of Gympie’s history. A 1932 Leyland Cub bus has been given another shot at...

Gympie’s proud fire fighting heritage on display for 80th

This year marks a major milestone for the Gympie Fire Service. Not only does the impressive brick station on top of Caledonian Hill turn 80...

Gympie’s Senior Citizens of the Year

The winners of the 2020 Gympie Senior Citizen of the Year Awards were announced today by Gympie Mayor Glen Hartwig. Held annually, the awards...

Library to host WriteFest 2020

Gympie Regional Libraries are hosting WriteFest 2020 from Friday, 4 September to Saturday, 6 September. The online event is designed for anyone who loves Australian...

Butterflies continue to grow 10 years on

Sunshine Butterflies recently celebrated their 10th birthday. From humble beginnings, the organisation has been assisting the lives of people with disabilities in Noosa, with more...

Storm blows in little rain

Residents in Cooloola Cove and Tin Can Bay reported pea-sized hail when a small but intense storm system struck last Saturday afternoon, 15 August. Those...

Gympie science fans to use avatars to attend virtual conference

Gympie STEM Hub (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is taking an innovative approach to National Science Week in 2020. Unable to host their in-person...

Star Wars fans can save the day

Any Star Wars fan knows that at the heart of the story is the desire of a seemingly powerless ‘farmer’ to rescue a Princess...

School’s Aussies of the Month

Gympie West State School celebrated its Aussie of the Month Awards at junior and senior parades. Each month teachers choose a student from each year...

New medical transport to bridge the gap

Over the past few months a dedicated group of local volunteers has risen to the challenge of establishing a medical transport organisation to service...

Cot a life changer

The Gympie Hospital’s Maternity Unit has welcomed its very first Cuddle Cot, a piece of equipment that will allow parents to spend vital bonding...

More ‘rubbish’ roads

Barter Street can no longer claim the prestigious title of Gympie’s only rubbish road. Recently completed asphalt resurfacing projects at Hughes Terrace, River Road and...

Good side of ‘the Gympie Dome’

Some call it the 'Gympie Dome'. An apparently protective shield which sends weather, including sometimes much-needed rain, around Gympie to the north and south. But this...