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Gympie Show will go on, Covid or not

“We are gearing up to have a show,” Gympie Show Society president Graham Engeman said on Tuesday, 8 September. “We are absolutely committed,” he said,...

Council make tough call on controversial xmas tree

Gympie Regional Council CEO Shane Gray has today announced that the Christmas tree, purchased and planted at Nelson Reserve last year, will not be...

Rattler driver celebrates 60 years of service

On Wednesday 26 August, family and colleagues gathered on the platform at the Gympie Station to wave in Bill Lipke to celebrate a milestone...

Busy weekend for rescue choppers

It was a busy weekend for the RACQ LifeFlight Rescue teams with two unusual incidents over the weekend. On Friday the Bundaberg-based team airlifted a...

Construction, road maintenance on cards for council crews

A big two weeks ahead for Gympie Regional Council's road construction and maintenance crews with four large construction projects on the go and 32...

Fraser Island: back in business, but where are the dingoes?

Fraser Island is back in business after the initial Covid lockdown, but regular visitors re asking what has happened to the island’s iconic dingoes. In...

1080 bait concern

Neighbours of a Glastonbury property owner have voiced their concerns at the owner’s decision to use 1080 baits to control wild dogs in the...

Flynn the fundraiser

Flynn Hutchison has a passion for earning money - and the 11-year-old is even more passionate about donating that money to important causes. At...

Record numbers for shoot

The Gympie Clay Target Club hosted the South-Eastern Zone Trap Shoot last weekend, 29-30 August. Representatives from three of the four Qld Clay...

Cove fire not suspicious

A fire which broke out at Cooloola Cove on Monday is not being considered suspicious in origin, according to a QFES spokeswoman. The vegetation fire...

The love of music with CCC

Cooloola Christian College students are excited to be able to serve the local community by bringing people together through the love of music. CCC...

Gympie Council works at fixing region’s roads

Last week was another big week on the tools for Gympie Region Council construction crews as they push ahead on four large construction projects...

Good side of ‘the Gympie Dome’

Some call it the 'Gympie Dome'. An apparently protective shield which sends weather, including sometimes much-needed rain, around Gympie to the north and south. But this...