Apexiannes met to celebrate 69 years since the formation of the Gympie Apex club, minus their Apex member husbands. They were: Back: Sue Jurss, Helen Chapman, Sue McKay, Robyn Cook, Sybil Kidd, Janelle Condon, Eunice McIntyre, Leea Rosenthal, Helen Bartlett, Kay Callen, Ernene (Prasser) Smedley, Maree Roberts, Cynthia Crawford, Jo (Doyle) Murray, Jan Rackemann, Leanne King, Cynthia Suthers, Shirley Byrnes. Centre: Lynn Atkinson, Fay Doyle, Lynn Hausmann, Tricia Parkinson, Norelle Elphinstone, Wendy Ahern Carol Hartley, Cheryl Horgan. Front: Cathy Heilbronn, Lavina Rees, Margaret MacDonnell, Jan Stead, Trish (Garton) Tweed, Marion Cambra, Adelene Walker, Desley Knox, Pam Murray, Maree Dobbrick, Heather Schefe.
By Donna Jones
It was the reunion you have when you’re not having a reunion, said former Gympie Apexian wife Heather Schefe. “We […]