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‘Health hazard’ from hospital neglect

Gympie Hospital is a leading and dangerous example of health system neglect across Queensland over the past decade, Gympie MP Tony Perrett said this...

Big Aust Day in Memorial Park

Gympie Regional Council has a big Australia Day planned in Memorial Park on Sunday. Mayor Glen Hartwig said celebrations would kick off with a free...

Poppet head to stay, but the gantry is definitely going, says GRC

Gympie Regional Council officer Graham O'Bryne wanted to reassure the people of Gympie, that the iconic poppet head at the Gympie Gold Mining and...

Police patrolling sea, sand and streets this Australia Day

“This is your reminder that Teewah Beach and the camp zones are all 40km/h speed limit, which will be enforced with zero tolerance,” said...

Gympie ‘fraud’ arrest

Police have charged a man with 140 alleged fraud offences after extensive investigations into a series of incidents allegedly committed in 2019 and 2020...

140 charges for Gympie fraudster

Gympie Police have charged a man with 140 alleged fraud offences after extensive investigations into a series of incidents allegedly committed in 2019 and...

History for the axe – ‘Wanton vandalism’ of iconic Gympie landmark

Ralph Richardson has called it "wanton vandalism", Charlie Horne says he'll walk away, and others are shaking their heads in disbelief at a council...

Care urged as heat makes us ‘go to water’

As possible thunderstorms loom and heat drives us to water-based recreation, authorities have warned that us to prepare to change our minds if weather...

Bulls bucking, barrels blazing

The community gathered at the Valley State College Ovals in Imbil for the excitement and action of round 1 of the Imbil Bull Bronc...

’Stay off the dunes’ plea

Cooloola Coast Turtle Care is urging 4WD drivers to stay off the soft sand near dunes ahead of Australia Day weekend as they brace...

Backing ag’s future

The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal and Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation are inviting applications from eligible individuals for grants of $50,000 through the...

Bruce funds delay ‘dangerous’

Fears for driver and passenger safety on the Bruce Highway to Maryborough must be addressed more urgently, or people will die, Wide Bay MP...

‘Health hazard’ from hospital neglect

Gympie Hospital is a leading and dangerous example of health system neglect across Queensland over the past decade, Gympie MP Tony Perrett said this...