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Gympie Flows Forward

Council’s hand is out for flood funding

With the Courier Mail and The Australian recently reporting that councils in Queensland will receive nearly $760m worth of disaster funding for regions that...

Council to share in $760M flood funds

More federal funding for flood recovery is being sent out to impacted councils over the next few months according to reports in the Australian...

Biz/Ag grants also extended

Primary producers, small businesses and not-for-profit agencies still recovering from the devastating floods of early 2022 now have more time to apply for Extraordinary...

Buyback scheme extended

More homeowners in flood-prone areas such as Gympie are set to receive a voluntary home buy-back offer, with the additional purchase of another 300...

Right Royal reno

Right in the heart of Gympie, the Royal Hotel was a sorry sight after the February floods. For the first time ever, to the best...

Flood proof Bruce nearing completion

The Gympie Bypass work continues apace, with Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King saying the new section will enable...

Community shines at Resilience Network launch

The Glenwood Community Resilience Network held their first event last weekend at the special afternoon and evening community gathering. This was the first of four...

Gympie to share in $75M flood cash

Gympie will share in another $75 million of Federal funding to help increase accessibility during future flooding events. Gympie, Toowoomba, Bundaberg, the Southern Downs and...

GP Tax adds to mental health pressures

Gympie residents seeking help for mental health issues arising from the flooding in February of last year are being directly impacted by the GP...

Resilience funding will help community to bounce back

RACQ recently applauded the Federal Government for making Queensland the first beneficiary of its long-awaited Disaster Ready Fund. Chief Executive Officer of RACQ David Carter...

Call for flood warning gauges

Member for Nanango, Deb Frecklington has made a further plea to have flood warning gauges installed along the flood prone Boonara-Nangur Creek system in...

Equipped for pet and people flood rescues

LifeFlight Australia’s helicopter crews are well known for saving human lives but now they have the capability to safely rescue beloved, furry family members...

School holidays and term dates

2025 Queensland Term Dates: - Term 1 Tuesday 28 January - Friday 4 April - 10 weeks - Term 2 Tuesday 22 April - Friday 27...