Survivor to inspire

    Jo Jones with Valentino.

    To inspire others and help RACQ LifeFlight Rescue raise valuable funds for their services, 82-year-old Gympie woman, Jo Jones shared her story of survival.

    In LifeFlights recent newsletter, Jo spoke on how she narrowly avoided the worst outcome after she was airlifted by LifeFlight a year ago.

    Jo was battling aspirated pneumonia and was struggling to breathe, Mrs Jones had to be moved from Gympie Hospital to Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

    However, advice was given to Jo’s daughter, Donna, that survival of an ambulance journey was uncertain for her mum, so LifeFlight were called.

    “They also said I needed to prepare myself that she may not even survive the helicopter flight,“ said Donna.

    The speedy rescue from the LifeFlight crew got Jo to Sunshine Coast University Hospital in time where medical staff confirmed that Jo was so ill that being airlifted saved her life.

    “I was very grateful LifeFlight got to me so quickly,“ said Jo.

    “It was so important to my survival to have the extra speed.“

    Donna agreed that the care her mother received while on board the helicopter made all the difference.

    “It’s pretty confronting when you see your mother flying away in aeromedical helicopter, but the LifeFlight crew were wonderful,“ she said.

    “They talked Mum through every step of what was happening – it was comforting to know that she was so well looked after.“

    Jo spent eight days in recovery and now a year on is doing well spending time with her loving puppy Valentino.

    Jo said she loves taking Valentino for daily walks, “He keeps me moving.“

    Her daughter explained that the new puppy provides Mrs Jones with some real purpose and something to look forward to.

    “Mum has been quite lonely since Dad passed,“ Donna explained.

    “He and Mum were married for just short of 59 years and they were together every day.

    “So having Valentino givers her a real purpose and something to look forward to.

    “She’s a lot more active and there’s the social element when she takes him out so she feels less lonely.

    “As a result, her physical and mental health are much better, as well as her overall quality of life.“

    Jo said she will never forget the experience and level of care that she had received from the rescue crew and was incredibly grateful for their help.

    “I had the feeling that the LifeFlight crew really care about me,“ she said.

    “Just the thought that they are there in an emergency is so reassuring.

    “It was marvelous.

    “Obviously, it’s their job to be caring, but there is caring and there’s caring.

    “They made me feel like I was the most important person in the world.“

    Gifts help support RACQ LifeFlight Rescue when they are called to help in times of need.

    Help the cause by donating at