Gympie and other magistrates courts in Cycone Alfred’s area of influence are closed today and through to Saturday, a Justice Department spokesperson has announced.
The closure affects courthouses from Gympie to Coolangatta.
Many medical practices are also closing early because of Alfred with patients advised to make new appointments next week, as even essential and administrative service bodies send staff home to lock down for whatever the increasingly unpredictable cyslone may bring.
“All matters have been administratively adjourned and a Notice of Adjournment will be sent to parties, a Justice Department spokesperson said.
People receiving medical treatment at Gympie Hospital have in many cases also had their appointments re-arranged.
In-custody (court matters) from the South East Queensland region during this time will be heard remotely at Townsville for Brisbane and Richlands watchhouses, Cairs for Southport, Beenleigh and Ipswich watchhouses and Rockhampton for Maroochydore, Gympie and Caboolture watchhouses, the department has advised.
People seeking routine court information about in-custody matters from impacted areas are advised to contact the relevant remote courthouse hearing the proceeding.
Contact details for all court registries across Queensland is available at ‘www.courts.qld.gov.au‘.
Meanwhile Gympie Hospital is also affected, with ambulances waiting and people waiting in Emergency for more than three hours today.