Although most of these activities are for adults, we’ve added kid-friendly, free activities around the region. These are denoted by asterisks beside the title and ages will be indicated in the listing.
AA Meetings
If you or someone you know has developed a drinking problem, you may want to consider contacting Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no dues or fees for AA membership – the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. There are meetings daily at different times and venues around the region. To find one close to you call 1300 222 222 or head online to aa.org.au
*First Five Forever Storytime*
Head to your local Library between 9.30-10am for an enjoyable session of stories with an emphasis on fun! This is an interactive program for pre-schoolers and is suitable for ages 0-5 years. Different libraries have this fun activity on different weekdays with Gympie and Rainbow Beach hosting Mondays, Thursdays at Tin Can Bay, Imbil and Kilkivan Libraries, and Goomeri Library on Friday. Bookings essential on 5481 0859.
FRIDAY 31 January
*Kids Learn to Sew – Intermediate*
Finished the beginner course and looking for some new sewing projects? Join us at the Gympie Library from 3.30pm over four weeks as we expand your knowledge of sewing. Participants will have the opportunity to complete a new project each week. These sessions will inspire creativity and build life-long basic skills while having fun at the same time. Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Suitable for ages 8-12 years.
Macrame Leaf
Come along to the Tin Can Bay Library at 10am to learn how to create a fabulous macrame ornament for your home. Bookings are essential.
Last Friday Social Club – Brush Calligraphy
Come along to the Gympie Library at 10am and have a go at brush calligraphy. During this hands-on session, you will be able to practise using a brush pen to create wonderful hand lettering which can be used on cards or signs. Bookings are essential.
SATURDAY 1 February
*Clay Bowls*
Join us at the Tin Can Bay Library from 10am for a two-week course where you will be able to create and decorate your own clay bowl. Suitable for ages 8-17 years. Bookings are required.
Gympie Women’s Shed Open Day
Women, girls, young and old are invited to the Gympie Woodworks Museum grounds at 8 Fraser Road, Araluen to learn all about the Gympie Women’s Shed. They’re celebrating their 1st Birthday so there will be cake, a sausage sizzle and live entertainment. The fun starts at 9.30am. For more information, contact Annie on 0407 814 355.
Long Flat Dance
The Long Flat Hall Committee will be hosting an old-time and new-vogue dance at the hall, starting at 7.30pm. Entry is $10 per person, bring your own supper. Inquiries to Bruce on 0427 967 568 and Judy on 0437 532 232.
Widgee Markets
Drop into the Widgee Memorial Hall, 22 Upper Widgee Rd on the first Saturday from 7am-midday to nab yourself a bargain, some tasty, fresh local produce or any manner of hand-crafted goods. Proceeds and donations collected for the Widgee Koala Action Group (WKAG). Stall sites available inside or outside the hall. Call Kath on 0411 635 459 for more information.
Social Tennis
Queens Park Tennis Club, on the corner of the Bruce Highway and Jane St has social tennis on Monday and Thursday evenings from 5.30pm and Saturday mornings from 6.00am, weather permitting. All ability levels are welcome. For more details, contact Jenny on 0402 775 023.
Amamoor Markets
Head along to the Amamoor Station, 3 Busby St, every Saturday from 8am-midday to enjoy fresh local grown produce, handicrafts and more. For more information or to book a stall site, call Celeste on 0416 117 541.
Three Creeks Farm Stall
Make sure you get along to the corner of Marys Creek and Eel Creek Rds, Mary Creek every Saturday from 8-11am to pick up the best and freshest seasonal produce direct from the producer. Depending on the season, you could be tucking into fresh mangoes, ripe avocados or any manner of local crops, direct from the farmer. For more information, call Sarah on 0421 755 153.
Pomona Country Markets
Every Saturday from 7am to midday, Stan Topper Park at Pomona is the place to stop for the markets. There’s loads on offer, with stall sites available from $20. For more information or to book a site, contact Jeff on 0499 146 857.
Kenilworth Markets
The Kenilworth Town Park, on the corner of Charles and Elizabeth Streets is the place to be every Saturday, 8am-1.30pm. Experience all the best this fertile region has to offer with fresh produce and hand-crafted goodies. Call Cheryl on 0487 866 948 to ask about booking a stall.
SUNDAY 2 February
Kin Kin Market
The pet-friendly Kin Kin Markets are the place to be on the first Sunday of every month with lots of goodies on offer. Between 8am and midday on Main St, Kin Kin, you can buy your fill of food, fashion, flora and more. For more information, call Anita on 0408 275 216.
Gympie Duck Pond Markets
Head along to the Gympie Gold Mining and Historical Museum on the first, third and fifth Sundays from 7am-midday. To book a site, call the cafe on 5482 3995.
Imbil Markets
Mark the Imbil Memorial Park on your itinerary this Sunday and head on down to Yabba Rd to find some fantastic Mary Valley produce and more. The markets are on every Sunday, 8am-1pm and Jeff will book you a site if you want one at 0411 187 157.
MONDAY 3 February
Tin Can Bay Family History Group
Join other family historians at the Tin Can Bay Library on the first Monday of every month from 1pm to share tips, and hints, as well as work on your projects.
*Tinker Table @ Gympie*
Drop into the Gympie Library between 3.30 and 4.30pm for some fun and educational activities based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). No bookings are required but space is limited. Suitable for ages 5-12 years.
Gympie Library Craft Group
Come and share your current project at 10am with the Gympie Library Craft Group. Bring along a piece you’re working on – be it knitting, sewing, crocheting or cross-stitching – and share ideas and learn with other craft-minded people. There’s no leader and no pressure; you can work, watch, or simply enjoy a friendly chat.
Kilkivan Nibbles and Giggles
This social get-together at the Kilkivan Library every Monday at 9.30am is to chat over a coffee or tea and allows you to meet people in your local community and borrow a book or DVD from the library. Coffee, tea, and biscuits will be supplied.
TUESDAY 4 February
Senior Citizens Club activities
Head along to the Senior Citizens Centre on Mellor Street to take part in card games and dominoes or indoor bowls. Every Tuesday and Friday there are plenty of players looking for partners between 10am and 2pm, or have fun with indoor bowls on Tuesday between 10am and midday. It costs $4 per session to play, $1 to join the Senior Citizen’s Club and $5 per year to join the centre – but why not come and try, with the first two sessions absolutely free? Anyone over the age of 50 is welcome to join. For more information contact Judy and Mel on 0431 184 978.
Rainbow Beach Boomerang Bags
Rainbow Beach Boomerang Bag Sewing Group meets MOST Tuesdays from 2-4pm. This small group sews their hearts out to help reduce the use of plastic bags, by providing reusable cloth bags made from recycled, donated fabric. For more information please phone the Rainbow Beach Library.
*First Five Forever Rhyme Time*
Head along to the Gympie Library between 9.30-10am for Rhyme Time, an interactive and joyful session full of songs, rhymes, and dancing. Suitable for toddlers aged 1-3 years. Bookings essential on 5481 0859.
Mahjong Mornings @ Goomeri
Pop into the Goomeri Library at 10am for a social get-together to chat over a coffee or tea with the opportunity to play a round or two of Mahjong. Phone 4168 4340 for more information.
Trivia Tuesdays @ Gympie Gympie Library
Come along and make some friends, have fun, and test your knowledge with trivia questions from 10am.
Tin Can Bay Art Group
The Tin Can Bay Library is calling all artists, between 10am to join them to share work and ideas and connect with artists in the community. Bring your work in progress join in a friendly chat and exchange ideas. All artists, levels, and mediums are welcome. Phone 5486 4355 for more information.
Mahjong @ Tin Can Bay
Head along to the Tin Can Bay Library at 1pm for a wonderful afternoon playing Mahjong. Mahjong is an ancient Chinese tile game of strategy, calculation, and skill with a measure of chance. This group is open to everyone, young and old, wanting to learn this ancient Chinese game.
Join in at 9am for a 9.30am heads down at the Rainbow Beach Sports Club. No bookings are required.
WEDNESDAY 5 February
*Tinker Table @ Kilkivan*
Drop into the Kilkivan Library between 3.30 and 4.30pm for some fun and educational activities based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). No bookings are required but space is limited. Suitable for ages 5-12 years.
Cards with Friends @ Goomeri
Love to play cards? Then why not come and play a game or two while enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of the Goomeri Library? The fun starts at 9am on Wednesdays and Fridays and all are welcome.
*First Five Forever Baby Bounce*
Between 9.30-10am Gympie Library is the place to be for Baby Bounce, an interactive session aimed at babies from 0-1 years and their caregivers. Come along and meet other parents and babies for a fun session of nursery rhymes, fingerplays, and songs. Bookings essential on 5481 0859.
Cooloola Card-Makers @ Tin Can Bay
At the Tin Can Bay Library from 9.30am they make all sorts of greeting cards, so come and join us for a fun morning. Make and take your card creations. Beginners and experienced card-makers are welcome. Join this friendly group and let your creative juices flow.
Join in for weekly trivia at the Rainbow Beach Sports Club from 7pm, with no cost to play and prizes including meal vouchers at the club.
THURSDAY 6 February
All about Android Tablets
New to the world of tablets? Learn how to adjust the security, privacy and accessibility of your device, how to use the camera to take great photos and how to manage your notifications at this workshop at the Gympie Library from 1pm. Bookings are essential.
*First Five Forever Rhymes, Rhythm and Tales*
Drop into the Gympie Library from 10.30am for an interactive, storytelling adventure with movement, music, rhymes, and play. A fun-filled morning, suitable for 3-5 year olds.
*Thursday Robotics*
Come down to the Gympie Library from 3.30pm to get hands-on in one of our fun, relaxed sessions. No bookings are required but space is limited. Suitable for ages 5-12 years.
Scrabble Thursdays @ Goomeri
The Goomeri Library is the place to be from 1pm to test your word knowledge and enjoy a friendly game of Scrabble.
Gardening Group
Pop into the Kilkivan Library on Thursdays at 9.30am to catch-up with other like-minded locals to talk about how to grow plants from seeds and exchange gardening tips.
If you have a listing you would like included on our free community noticeboard, send details to newsdesk@gympietoday.com.au or drop into the office at 2 Chapple Street during opening hours and we’ll include your event.