Signs, signs… everwhere there’s signs

New 40k signs along the beach at Double Island Point are a positive step towards better beach behaviour

Signs are springing up everywhere and although some might argue it doesn’t work with the natural beauty of the region, with the increased number of

drivers on the Cooloola Coast it is obvious some don’t know the speed limits.

Erected for safety, the Double Island Point and Mudlo Rock 40 mph signs are to advise drivers that those areas are also used by walkers and families regularly and to drop your speed.

While the beach is classified as a highway and all road rules apply, it is also a shared area and its important to keep an eye out for children.

The signage at Middle Rock advising drivers that a permit is required south of the sign has been left worse for wear after recent weather events including a cyclone, king tides, a Tsunami and high speed winds.

Drive to the conditions and respect other drivers and those walking and playing on the beach.