The future of the turtle population is in good hands with the dedicated team from Cooloola Coast Care -Turtle Care Rainbow Beach.
It’s Turtle Nesting Season and the local Turtle Care group are seeking public help to report any turtle track sightings from Inskip Point, Rainbow Beach, Double Island Point and along Teewah Beach.
They recently relocated 88 eggs which were laid in the sand drift at Middle Rocks.
Because of the cyclonic weather, another nest along the beach near Rainbow Shores was in danger of being lost with severe erosion and king tides.
The team relocated 80 eggs from this nest to the dunes further toward Inskip.
Jan from Turtle Care is asking everyone to share the message to 4WD drivers to stop driving on our dunes.
“If you drive the beach this should only be done at low tide so you don’t have to drive on the dunes. “
“If you see a turtle nesting or find eggs, please don’t relocate, as only those authorised are able to relocate turtle eggs. “
“Senseless driving on the dunes not only adds to erosion but endangers the turtle nests.“
She said because Mudlo Rocks are impassable more people are driving along the Inskip beach.
“It’s great to enjoy but drivers have to look after it too. It’s a very fragile shoreline.“
“Each day I drive this beach at low tide to check any turtle activity and collect the debris washed ashore. “
Jan said it was great to see people collecting rubbish along their daily walks.
“There’s a wonderful couple who also walk part of this stretch of beach each morning and collect rubbish – great job!“
Any track sightings please call Joan on 0407 810 510 or Jan on 0429 481 490 from Turtle Care