On Friday 6 August, the QCWA Gympie and South Burnett Division, held a handcraft display in the Murgon QCWA rooms, which were opened to the public to come and look at.
The day before three members from Gympie QCWA went to Murgon, to set up a display table.
There were five display tables for each QCWA Branch within the Gympie South Burnett Division area, to use for their branches display.
Members from branches, also entered items into the craft competition section, with the judging held on the Thursday.
For the month of August, the girls of the Gympie Branch of QCWA will be catching up on their craft projects.
These days are for the women to bring any UFO (unfinished object) along to work on and perhaps finally finish.
On Wednesday 18, will be the Monthly Morning Tea at their rooms on Apollonian Vale, with members bringing along scones that they baked, for a little in-house competition.
Let the jam and cream roll, to see who can bake the best scones – sounds like a very yummy morning tea coming up.
For more information about the Gympie QCWA email Wendy at wendyflik@spiderweb.com.au.