The members of the Gympie Fire Service need your help.
Officer Greg Albury describes himself as the “unofficial“ historian of the brigade and is excited a major milestone for the Fire Service in Gympie will roll around next Friday, 20 November – 120 years.
It’s a double whammy this year with the iconic Gympie Fire Station celebrating it’s 80th birthday back in September.
Sadly, celebrations planned to commemorate this occasion had to be postponed last minute due to Covid restrictions but next Saturday the Fire Service will be pulling out all the stops to take people on a journey to the past.
That’s were Gympie people can help out.
Greg wants any old photographs or fire paraphrenalia that people might have gathering dust in a corner somewhere.
He is keen to photograph and document what Gympie people may have lying about that pertains to the Gympie Fire Service and would really like to speak to children and grand children of founding members.
If you can help out, drop into the station next Saturday and bring your items.
The celebration will start next Saturday with a parade of QFES fire trucks leaving the Show grounds and then driving up Mary St to the Station at 9.30am before a special open day at the station starts at 10am.
Video clips from Gympie’s past will be project on to the side of the station on Thursday and Friday nights between 7.30 and 8.30pm.