Although most of these activities are for adults, we’ve added kid-friendly, free activities around the region. These are denoted by asterisks beside the title and ages will be indicated in the listing.
AA Meetings
If you or someone you know has developed a drinking problem, you may want to consider contacting Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no dues or fees for AA membership – the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. There are meetings daily at different times and venues around the region. To find one close to you call 1300 222 222 or head online to aa.org.au
*First Five Forever Storytime*
Head to your local Library between 9.30-10am for an enjoyable session of stories with an emphasis on fun! This is an interactive program for pre-schoolers and is suitable for ages 0-5 years. Different libraries have this fun activity on different weekdays with Gympie and Rainbow Beach hosting Mondays, Thursdays at Tin Can Bay, Imbil and Kilkivan, and Goomeri Library on Friday. Bookings essential on 5481 0859.
FRIDAY 20 December
Page Turners – Hayley Scrivenor
Drop into the Gympie Library at 5.30pm to learn about Hayley Scrivenor, the author of Dirt Town, who was published internationally in 2022 and quickly became a number 1 Australian bestseller. Bookings are essential.
*Kids Learn to Sew – Beginner*
Join us at the Gympie Library from 3.30pm for a four-week course as we teach you the basics of sewing. Participants will have the opportunity to complete a new project each week. These sessions will inspire creativity and build life-long basic skills while having fun at the same time. Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Suitable for ages 8-12 years.
*Christmas Stockings*
Make a festive Christmas stocking to hang up at this fun crafting workshop at the Gympie Library at 2pm. Suitable for ages 5-12 years. Bookings are essential.
Cricut Machine Introduction
Cricut makes it easy to create something unique in a flash. Label your pantry or bust out a last-minute birthday card, customise home decor, create personalised t-shirts, or surprise someone special with a perfectly themed event. Learn how you can create too at the Gympie Library on the third Friday of every month at 10am Spaces are limited so booking is essential. To reserve your place, visit the website or phone the library at 5481 0859.
Writing Friday
Here’s your chance to join other writers in practicing and honing your literary skills. Whether your interest is in writing novels, short stories, non-fiction, or poetry, or gaining better marks for your assignments, Writing Friday will provide a regular opportunity to write, learn, and enjoy the company of like-minded people. Sessions are held at the Gympie Library at 10am on the third Friday of each month.
SATURDAY 21 December
Sustainable Saturdays – Card Making
You don’t need to be able to craft at all to make a great upcycled greeting card and wrapping paper. Join us at this Gympie Library workshop at 10am as we show you how to create your own personalised cards to give to family and friends this holiday season. Bookings are essential.
Long Flat Dance
The Learner Dance Group will be hosting a new vogue dance at the hall, starting at 7.30pm. Music by the band, High Noon. Entry is $10 per person, bring your own supper. Inquiries to Bruce on 0427 967 568 and Janet on 0419 824 317.
MONDAY 23 December
Gympie Library Craft Group
Come and share your current project at 10am with the Gympie Library Craft Group. Bring along a piece you’re working on – be it knitting, sewing, crocheting or cross-stitching – and share ideas and learn with other craft-minded people. There’s no leader and no pressure; you can work, watch, or simply enjoy a friendly chat.
Kilkivan Nibbles and Giggles
This social get-together at the Kilkivan Library every Monday at 9.30am is to chat over a coffee or tea and allows you to meet people in your local community and borrow a book or DVD from the library. Coffee, tea, and biscuits will be supplied.
TUESDAY 24 December
*Make your own Reindeer Antlers*
Join us for a fun session at the Goomeri Library from 10am as we get crafty this Christmas by making our very own set of reindeer antlers to wear. Suitable for ages 5-12 years. Bookings are essential.
*Make your own Christmas Angel*
Join us at the Kilkivan Library at 2.30pm for a fun session as we get into the Christmas Spirit and make some wonderful angels to decorate your tree. Suitable for ages 5-12 years. Bookings are essential.
Rainbow Beach Boomerang Bags
Rainbow Beach Boomerang Bag Sewing Group meets MOST Tuesdays from 2-4pm. This small group sews their hearts out to help reduce the use of plastic bags, by providing reusable cloth bags made from recycled, donated fabric. For more information please phone the Rainbow Beach Library.
*First Five Forever Rhyme Time*
Head along to the Gympie Library between 9.30-10am for Rhyme Time, an interactive and joyful session full of songs, rhymes, and dancing. Suitable for toddlers aged 1-3 years. Bookings essential on 5481 0859.
Mahjong Mornings @ Goomeri
Pop into the Goomeri Library at 10am for a social get-together to chat over a coffee or tea with the opportunity to play a round or two of Mahjong. Phone 4168 4340 for more information.
Trivia Tuesdays @ Gympie Gympie Library
Come along and make some friends, have fun, and test your knowledge with trivia questions from 10am.
Tin Can Bay Art Group
The Tin Can Bay Library is calling all artists, from 10am to join them to share work and ideas and connect with artists in the community. Bring your work in progress join in a friendly chat and exchange ideas. All artists, levels, and mediums are welcome. Phone 5486 4355 for more information.
Mahjong @ Tin Can Bay
Head along to the Tin Can Bay Library at 1pm for a wonderful afternoon playing Mahjong. Mahjong is an ancient Chinese tile game of strategy, calculation, and skill with a measure of chance. This group is open to everyone, young and old, wanting to learn this ancient Chinese game.
Join in at 9am for a 9.30am heads down at the Rainbow Beach Sports Club. No bookings are required.
If you have a listing you would like included on our free community noticeboard, send details to newsdesk@gympietoday.com.au or drop into the office at 2 Chapple Street during opening hours and we’ll include your event. Used to have a listing but can’t find it here? Get back in touch and we will relist your event.