Bread and circuses…


Not so long ago, during a conversation with my brother-in-law, he asked me, “Do you know who is behind all of the craziness that is overrunning the world, John?”

Now, my brother-in-law is a guy who has worked hard for all of his life, who has provided for his family as well as for others, and who loves his football.

And I was interested to hear what he thought.

He said, “It’s the super-rich people who have all of the power, and who tell the rest of us what to think, say and do.”

When ordinary people like my brother-in-law begin working these things out, then perhaps a person could say, with some degree of hope, that the super-rich, super-powerful elites of this world have a problem.

For centuries now, they have kept humanity divided with things such as politics, religion, and compartmentalised education.

They have suppressed the work of people such as Nicola Tesla and David Adair – men who would have given the world free, abundant energy if their work had been developed – and have kept people in poverty, disease, and misery.

And what is worse, they are throwing an entire generation to the dogs by keeping them obsessed with such things as their gender and which pronouns they should and shouldn’t use.

An entire generation is being fed despair while the means to improve life for all of us are kept as the purvey of the wealthy and powerful few.

However, the fact is, there are many more of us than there are of them.

We have consciences which can tell us right from wrong if we take notice of them.

We have minds with which we can think, and work things out.

We have hearts with which we can reach out to other people in love.

And I believe this terrifies those few who think they wield all of the power.

At last, there are those of us who are beginning to organize.

We have to; because time is running short.

Certainly, people who have the courage to stand up will be slapped down, and made to pay the price.

But the dam wall is breaking.

We have all been bowing down to this evil power for far too long.

For the sake of our children and our grandchildren – for the sake of our world – we need to take a stand.

– John Hermann
